
ЖАРКИЙ vs. ГОРЯЧИЙ. How to use ‘Hot’ correctly in Russian.

In Russian, both «горячий» and «жаркий» can be translated as “hot” in English, but they have slightly different meanings.

«Горячий» is used to describe something that is physically hot in temperature, such as hot food or a hot drink. It can also be used to describe someone who is feeling hot due to physical exertion or a fever.

горячий кофеhot coffee

горячий супhot soup

горячий пирогhot pie

горячий сэндвичhot sandwich

горячий шоколадhot chocolate

горячий каменьhot stone

горячий воздухhot air

горячий парhot steam


«Жаркий», on the other hand, is used to describe weather or a climate that is hot and/or dry. It is often used to describe a hot summer day or a scorching desert climate.

жаркое лето – hot summer

жаркий деньhot day

жаркое время годаhot season

жаркая погодаsweltering weather

жаркий климатhot climate

жаркие страныtropical countries

жаркий спорheated argument


Горький\острый перецhot pepper


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